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  1. To read our membership details, click here
  2. To find a local massage therapist, click here


  1. David

    jeff: Team Crossfit Academy recommended you (we have “talked” on Facebook). I have gone thru your site and so how does this work? Sign up for “Fire Breather” (Eric’s recommendation) and start watching videos. Are you able to provide any direction beyond the videos? I have the Runner’s Nemesis (achilles tendon pain) and just basic rolling has been bringing relief, but I need to get back on the road. I “signed up” for the Masters team for TCA’s Ragnar effort in April and I gotta do my part.
    Dave VH

    1. fitcajun


      Watching the videos will get you off to a good start. Feel free to facebook me any questions you may have, I’m here to help. I also do private and group SMR instruction. Check our workshop dates or setup an appointment if you need more ‘hands-on’ assistance. With the right techniques and amount of dedication to your ‘home work’ you will have plenty of time to be running at full capacity by the Ragnar race! Good luck, and let me know if you need my help.


  2. Lester


    After a little over a month since participating in your SMR Shoulder workshop,
    and doing a minimum of 15 minutes SMR work each day, I am loosing up. One area was still bugging me. What felt like an impingement in my right shoulder, wouldn’t go away until I started exploring different areas with the lacrosse ball. Standing next to a door jam, with the ball between the wall and my deltoids, I found a tight, knotted spot in one of the deltoids. It released after 20 seconds. Once done, I could easily extend my right arm overhead without that annoying impingement in my shoulder socket.

    Thanks Jeff, and also a big thanks to the coaching staff at Team Crossfit in Monrovia.

    Les Larson

    1. fitcajun


      You are VERY welcome! I’m glad the techniques we covered are helping. The delts are pretty responsive when you hit that ‘right’ spot. In fact, the technique you experimented with is being added to the manual in the coming months (along with 8 other new SMR techniques and more than 40 complimentary stretches).

      Thanks for keeping us up to date. Please stay in touch and let us know if you need anything more. Oh! By the way, thanks for downloading our SMR Manual. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.


  3. Hi Jeff
    I love what you are doing with the SMR!!! I was trying to sign up for the coaching program and everything was entered but a message came back merchant diabled… do I sign up? Please advise..
    To your health and wellness!
    Linda Anderson
    Elite Fitness Performance Training Center

    1. fitcajun

      Thanks for the feedback, Linda! I made a couple changes and I think we solved the problem. Try again, and if that doesn’t work I will set up your account personally. One way or the other we’ll get you taken care of!

  4. Jonathan

    I bought the coaches membership but cannot access much of the material on the website. I am seeing messages telling me to upgrade my account, even though I bought the highest level account.
    Sorry I do not see any other place to contact you other than here in the comments.

    Thank you,
    Jonathan Thomas

    1. fitcajun

      No worries, Jonathan. I just sent you a message with an alternate username and password. I have someone working on the issue with your user account, and hope to get it resolved soon.

      I noticed you registered for our SMR Clinic in May and I look forward to meeting you in person then.

    1. fitcajun

      Sorry ’bout the hassle, Mike. We had to make some server changes and the early registration accounts are acting a little buggy. I’ll get you set up with a temp, then a brand new account. I’ll email you the info shortly. As of now stop trying to access with your old login.

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