Prevention & Performance
About Jeff

About Jeff

2014-05-18-15.58.19-e1430079192254Jeff Alexander
is the creator of the Alexander Method of SMR and has over 20 years' experience as a specialist in functional movement and self-care through Self Myofascial Release concepts. He has presented to small groups and large forums of trainers and clients across the USA and throughout Asia promoting the Alexander Method of SMR. As the former Director of Education for RumbleRoller he certified almost 600 trainers and 28 Master Trainers in his system to share self-care with tens of thousands of other trainers and clients across 4 continents.

Since the 1990s Jeff has earned fitness certifications from NASM (Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist), FMS (Functional Movement Specialist L1 & L2), Precision Nutrition (PN L1), ISSA (Certified Personal Trainer, Performance Nutrition Specialist), and CrossFit (CrossFit Level 1 Trainer). He is the creator of the Alexander Method of SMR, an internationally recognized speaker at fitness expos and events, and a fitness facility owner in Southern California with his wife, Carolyn, as well as has worked as a Tier X Coach or personal trainer within Equinox, 24 Hr Fitness, and other "big-box" gyms.

He has toured the USA since 2007, and more recently internationally, teaching top athletes, group and private coaches/trainers, and average clients how to manage their performance and therapeutic self-care efforts through better technique and tool selections more appropriate for their chosen activity. He’ll teach you how to better manage your self-care strategy so you can get the best results in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of effort. He'll also provide clear guidelines of when to double-down on your efforts or when to enlist the assistance of a medical/healthcare professional because your issue is out of the realm of self-care. Work smarter so you can recover faster and perform better.

Many people have lifestyle disorders or diseases which limit their exercise efforts but can be managed better with the right fitness professional in their service. Issues such as arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, and many more are markedly improved with the right amount of activity and the right guidance implementing an exercise program.

It is Jeff's goal to improve the quality of life for those he encounters as he continues to spread the word about responsible self-care.

email Jeff at

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